Well, this is the first award I have received on Hannah Paige Photography! Keilah, a dear friend of mine gave this one to me. It is the "Stylish Blog Award"!
What you have to do is tell 5 random facts about yourself! This should be interesting!:D Here it goes......
1. I LOVE Casting Crowns!
(I get to go to a concert at the end of this month!!!)
2. After this I plan to make a post on my other blog and then go work on my photography scrapbook.
3. I wear skirts 98% of the time.
4. I love to write!
5. I'm almost there! Let's see one more thing, something random, another thing I love is milking our family Jersey, Dixie!
Wow, you can see I "love" a lot of stuff! I love nothing more than Jesus Christ, though. Now who to tag, I tag:
I think I was suppoes to tag five but, I don't have anyone else to tag! Have a wonderful weekend and I hope you had a blessed Easter!